Page 5 - EPR-Report-Card-2011

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Alberta requires multi-stakeholder representation on stewardship boards that manage
programs through a Delegated Administrative Organization (DAO). This structure creates
a self-governing aspect to the programs, since the boards include representation from non-
industry sectors such as environmental groups. As a result, environmental targets and
performance measures are largely self-imposed with the provincial government’s role focused
on monitoring DAO delivery. DAOs must post three-year business plans and annual reports
with audited financial statements and performance metrics. Regulated programs have
stipulated five or seven-year review periods, while voluntary programs operating under MOUs
have term limits.
Alberta has shown leadership in evaluating outcomes by conducting research into life-cycle
environmental impacts of regulated stewardship programs, as well as benchmarking program
performance and potential to influence design-for-environment through program design.
Saskatchewan publicly supports and promotes the concept of producer responsibility. In some
cases, legislation has been introduced to enact a program and ensure a level playing field for all
producers. In addition, non-legislated waste diversion programs are in place.
The authorizing legislation for producer responsibility in Saskatchewan is the Environmen-
tal Management and Protection Act, 2002. Regulated EPR programs are currently operating
in Saskatchewan for portions of three of the CCME’s seven Phase 1 materials – automotive
products (used oil and scrap tires); waste paint; and electronic and electrical products.
The ministry undertook a detailed review of the industry–led Waste Electronic Equipment
program in 2010-11. While a program has been established for beverage containers, it is not
considered full EPR because it is partially supported by government funding. Saskatchewan is
providing leadership in developing the first comprehensive stewardship program for agricul-
tural plastics.
The province does not set specific targets for EPR materials. All programs are required to
submit an annual report and audited financial statements to the Minister of Environment for
review. Program evaluations are conducted as required and as described in the specific regula-
While the government has stated that it intends to introduce an EPR program for packag-
ing and printed papers and to that end completed a consultation program in May 2010, to
date no decision has been made public regarding industry responsibility for packaging and
printed paper.