Page 15 - EPR-Report-Card-2011

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New Brunswick
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• 1 operating EPR program for paint but developing EPR programs for electronics, tires and used oil
• Harmonizing key program elements, e.g. product designations and definitions, with adjoining
jurisdictions, particularly electronics
• First jurisdiction to mandate cost internalization for EPR program with ban on addition of visible
fees for paint at point of purchase
• Although work not begun on packaging and printed paper or household hazardous waste, has
indicated intentions to meet CCME CAP timelines
• 70% reuse target set for the paint program but no targets for tires and used oil which are
scheduled for transition to EPR
Prince Edward
• 2 operating EPR programs and stewardship programs for remaining CCME CAP materials being
transitioned to EPR in harmony with other jurisdictions
• Committed to harmonizing with regional and national EPR programs due to small material
volumes produced internally
• Coordinated multi-stakeholder management of 22 materials, in mandatory and voluntary formats
• Mandatory source separation program for all waste generators since 2002 with ban on disposal
of recyclable and compostable materials
• Annual reporting, including audited financial statements, required by EPR programs with review
by Environment officials
Nova Scotia
• 2 EPR programs for paint and electronics; working to transition stewardship programs for most
other CCME CAP materials to EPR
• Renewed 2011 waste management strategy publicly commits to EPR
• Legislation identifies product stewardship regulations as policy tool to help meet waste reduction
• Mandatory source separation program and landfill bans for many materials
• Committed to harmonizing with other provinces in the Atlantic region
• Set 70% target for paint recovery but no defined targets for other EPR programs; program
performance reports not made public
and Labrador
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• Committed to advancing EPR policies and recently implemented EPR program for waste paint
and containers
• Commitment to implement EPR programs for used oil, electronics and household hazardous
wastes by 2015
• Stewardship plans in place for beverage containers, used tires and used motor oil
• 70% target for recovery of paint products and penalty mechanism in place for not meeting target
• Performance reports required annually and publicly available
• Communications plans required for EPR programs via regulation